Default language textSMVI Intelligent Control Valve
A line of improved electronic two-way metering needle valves is presented. A high-precision linear stepping motor actuator drives the valve spindle. The standard resolution of the stepping motor actuator-driven needles is 0.000125"/step. In micro-stepping mode, the resolution is 0.0000078125”/step.
The valve can be controlled using one of the four modes:
- Analog Interface (0-5Vdc, 1-5 Vdc, 4-20mA, 0-10Vdc* options are supported). The valve opening is linearly proportional to the control analog signal in this mode.
- Digital RS-485 Interface (via optically isolated transceiver using proprietary ASCII commands set). In this mode, the user can control the valve by sending the command with the desired valve opening position expressed in % of valve full opening (0.00 to 100.00% with 0.01% resolution).
- Direction / Speed (legacy SMV valve proprietary mode). In this mode valve is controllable using digital TTL (low active) “Direction” and analog (0-5Vdc, 1-5 Vdc, 4-20mA, 0-10Vdc* options are supported) “Speed” signals.
- Step Clock / Direction. In this mode, the valve is controllable using digital TTL (low-active) “Step” and “Direction” signals. With each falling edge on the “Step Clock” input, the valve needle will move one step to close or open direction based on the logic level applied to the “Direction” input.
Low differential pressure valves may be operated continuously (100% duty cycle). When de-energized, the valves stay in the same position. Advantages over electromagnetic solenoid-operated valves include cool operations, i.e., no control operating problems due to coils heating up, no electromagnetic hysteresis, excellent resolution, and very low differential pressures. The valve control may be overridden with CLOSE and PURGE control signals (TTL low active). To CLOSE the valve, pin 3 on the 9-pin “D”-connector must be connected to GND (pin 2). A GREEN light on the top of the valve will indicate a CLOSED valve condition. To PURGE the valve, pin 7 on the 9-pin “D”-connector has to be connected to GND (pin 2). A RED light on the top of the valve will indicate a fully OPEN valve condition. During regular operation, the valve remains in the last position as it is de-energized.
Available in three different sizes covering flow ranges from 200 sL/min to 1000 sL/min of air and 5.6 L/min to 28 L/min water.
*NOTE: 0-10 Vdc analog input option requires additional jumper installation on the PCB and cannot be selected on the field using the user multi-functional button or via digital RS-485 interface. If the 0-10 Vdc option is required, it must be specified during the order.
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